When people are used to eating whatever they want it can be extremely difficult for them to change to a strict diet and most people do not have the necessary willpower to maintain this for very long..
The reason that intermittent fasting works better than other diets is because it requires a lifestyle change and not a complete change of what you eat.
With this powerful guide you will learn what intermittent fasting is and how you can get started in the right way so that you maximize your chances of success.
Here is what you’ll learn in this guide:
- what intermittent fasting is and how you can get started in the right way so that you maximize your chances of success
- how intermittent fasting works and how you can get the best results from it
- how to inspire and motivate yourself if the going gets tough
- how to choose the right intermittent fasting method
- what common mistakes you need to avoid and why you may need to scale up your intermittent fasting to achieve the best results